Friday, February 10, 2006

Mistakes In Prayers That Must Be Avoided

The above picture is Masjidil Nabawi in Madinah, built by Prophet Muhammad where he spread Allah Message and led the daily Solat.

Solat or daily prayer is one the most important pillars of Islam.

The Messenger of Allah, Prophet Mohammad s.a.w reminded the Muslims that the first thing they will be questioned on the Day of Resurrection is prayer.Abu Hurairah said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah saying:

The first act of worship man shall be questioned on the Day of Resurrection is prayer. If it was performed correctly, man shall certainly succeed and prosper, if it is not, he shall certainly lose and fail. If, however, man's prayer was incomplete, the Lord, the Exalted, would say [to His Angels], "See if my slave performed supererogatory [nafl] prayers to make up what he had missed of the obligatory prayers. The rest of man's deeds will be reckoned in the same manner.

Buraidah also reported The Messenger of Allah s.a.w said:

The covenant which is between us and those who embrace Islam is prayer. Whose neglects it, becomes an unbeliever.

On the other hand, Allah s.w.t has prepared great rewards for the believers who observe prayer and are particular about it. Perfect prayer effaces sins. Abu Hurairah reported that the Messenger of Allah s.a.w said:

Have you considered, a river running by the door of you in which he bathes five times a day; would any of his dirt stay on him? They said "None of his dirt would stay on him." The Messenger of Allah s.a.w said: So does Solat; therewith Allah eliminates sins.

Therefore, it is very important to be regular on prayer, and perform it correctly. One may perform prayer according to the way he was taught by his parents or sheikh, according to their mazhab. But one should always remember that it is only the way set by the Messenger of Allah s.a.w that must be followed. The traditions quoted here, and in every issue of Ad-Deen an-Naseehah, are authentic. Anyone who rejects the authentic Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w exposes himself to a waste.

The following are some common errors committed by Muslims in their Solat. These errors must be avoided hoping that Allah would accept this act of worship and reward us for it:

  1. Wearing pants, or garments that hang below the ankles.
  2. Taking food of bad smell such has garlic or onion, or smoking before coming to prayer.
  3. Proceeding to mosque for prayer with brisk walk, or even running for fear of missing part of the prayer.
  4. Saying Takbirul-Ihram while in ruku'.
  5. Mumbling the niyyat or intention, and uttering it in a low audible voice.
  6. Neglecting raising the hands in the opening takbir of solat and before and after ruku', and upon standing up for the third raka'ah.
  7. Neglecting the opening doa’ of prayer, tawwuz, and basmalah.
  8. Neglecting praying facing a sutrah.
  9. Reluctance to stand in the front line in congregational prayer.
  10. Gazing upward during prayer, or looking at the imam, right or left.
  11. Leaving gaps in lines of congregational prayer.
  12. Reciting Surah al-Fatihah fast without pausing after each verse.
  13. Fidgeting during prayer, or looking at a watch or fiddling with one's fingers, clothes or moving feet or other parts of the body restlessly.
  14. Holding the Qur'an and reciting from it by the muqtadi in congregational prayer to check the imam's recitation.
  15. Racing with the imam, or moving with or before him in congregational prayer.
  16. Lowering the head excessively, or pushing it up, and arching the back during ruku'.
  17. Sticking the arms to the sides of the body, in ruku' or sujud, and sticking the belly to the thighs in sujud.
  18. Praying while part of the back is exposed.
  19. Neglecting ta'meen [to say 'Aameen] loudly when the imam recites the concluding verse of Surah al-Fatihah, "waladh-dhalleen".
  20. Resting only the tip of the head on the floor during sujud.
  21. Hasty performance of prayer which does not allow repose and calmness in ruku' or sujud.
  22. Sitting in tawarruk position in the last raka'ah of Fajr and Jum'ah prayers.
  23. Moving the two palms upon saying, 'assalamu alaikum warahmatul-lah' to end prayer.
  24. Counting tasbeh with the left hand.
  25. Shaking hands with other praying people right after fardhu prayer is over, saying, 'taqabbala-llah', or 'haraman'
  26. Raising hands for doa' soon as prayer is over.
  27. Walking away right after taslim, at the end of prayer, and neglecting zikir.
  28. Crossing in front of a praying person.
  29. Neglecting prayer when one is sick or ill.
  30. Praying on a graveyard.

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