In the Name of Allāh, Most Gracious, Most Merciful;
All praise and thanks are due to Allāh, May Allāh blessings and peace be upon His Messenger.
Descendants of Raja Lumu (Paduka Sri Sultan Sallehuddin, the founder of the Selangor Sultanate of the Bugis Dynasty, the 1st Sultan of Selangor, 1766 – 1778) ibni al- Marhum Paduka Sri Raja Chelak Paduka Sri Raja Chelak (the 2nd Yang Di-Pertuan Muda of Riau @ Opu Daeng Pali bin Opu Ten-ri Burang Daing Rilaga bin La Madusalat, bin Siwari Gading, Datu (ruler) of Luwuk, Sulawesi.
This piece of study is dedicated to both of them and their well-being and may Allah the Almighty endow them with blessing always. Amin Ya Rabbal'alamin.
Through her paternal grandfather Tengku Mahmud
It is learnt that the paternal grandfather of Tengku Dr Intan Baizura binti Y.D.M Tengku Dato’ Dr. Jamaluddin, Yang Amat Mulia Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj ibni al-Marhum Sultan Alauddin Sulaiman Shah, 17th son [of 25 sons and 19 daughters], m. 1st. first Y.M. Raja Habshah binti Raja Muhammad Bai, the eldest daughter of Y.M. Raja Muhammad Bai bin Raja 'Usman of Riau from Bugis lineage. The son of his 7th. (of the eleven wives,) wife, Che' Maimunah binti 'Abdullah [Cik Mon] aka Che' Anjung Negara. married in 1913, born on circa 1900, died on 22nd February 1972.Tengku Mahmud has issue 4 sons 3 daughters.
Al-Marhum Sultan ‘Alauddin Sulaiman Shah ibni al- Marhum Yang Di Pertuan Muda Musa, the 5th Sultan of Selangor [1898 – 1938]
Al-Marhum Yang Di Pertuan Muda Musa ibni al- Marhum Sultan Abdul Samad, the 4th Sultan of Selangor [1857-1898] ibni al- Marhum Tengku Abdullah, the 4th Sultan of Selangor [1857-1898] ibni al- Marhum Sultan Ibrahim ibni Paduka Sri Sultan Sallehuddin, the 2nd Sultan of Selangor [1778-1826] aka Raja Lumu ibni al- Marhum Paduka Sri Raja Chelak born in 1705, the 1st Sultan of Selangor [1766 – 1778] and the founder of the Selangor Sultanate of the Bugis Dynasty.
Raja Lumu was the second son of al- Marhum Paduka Sri Raja Chelak born as Opu Daeng Pali bin Daeng Rilaga, the 2nd Yang Di-Pertuan Muda of Riau, the third son of Opu-Tenri Burang Daeng Rilaga [1728 -1745], of the Bugis Dynasty in Riau originating from Luwuk, Celebes.
Al-Marhum Paduka Sri Raja Chelak bin Opu Ten-ri Burang Daing Rilaga, the 2nd Yang Di-Pertuan Muda of Riau aka Opu Daeng Pali, [1728 -1745]. H.H. Paduka Sri Raja Chelak bin Opu Ten-ri Burang Daing Rilaga, 2nd Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau. b. as Opu Daing Pali, third son of Opu Ten-ri Burang Daing Rilaga, by his second wife. Installed as Raja Tua by the Sultan of Johor, 4th October 1722. Succeeded as Viceroy (Yang di-Pertuan Muda) on the death of his elder half-brother, 7th August 1728. m. (first) before 1705, Encik Tomita. He d. in Riau, 19th May 1745 (bur. at the Fort), having had issue, two sons and five daughters:
1. Paduka Sri Raja Haji bin Raja Chelak, Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau (s/o Encik Tomita) - descendent of Y.M Raja Habsah, the mother of Tengku Jamaluddin.
2) Y.M. Raja Lumu bin Raja Chelak, who became as H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Saleh al-din Shah bin Raja Chelak, 1st Sultan of Selangor Bugis Dynasty (s/o Daeng Maasik)
3) Tengku Hitam binti al-Marhum Daeng Cellak (by Tengku Mandak), married Syed Husain bin Syed Sheikh Yahya, and had issue.
4) Raja Bulang binti al-Marhum Raja Cellak, married 1739, Sultan MANSUR SHAH I of Terengganu, and had issue.
5) Raja Halimah binti al-Marhum Raja Cellak [Tengku Chik] (by Daeng Maasik), married the Raja of Jambi.
6) Raja Hafsah Aminah binti al-Marhum Raja Cellak, married Daeng Lakani [Arung Lenga], a Bugis Prince, and had issue.
A.Raja Sulaiman bin Daeng Lakani [Engku Dalam], married Raja Buntit binti al-Marhum Raja Haji
Opu Ten-ri Burang Daing Rilaga was the son of La Madusalat, Raja of Luwuk, Sulawesi. He d. at Siantan, ca. 1697, had issue,the five famous Bugis Princes by his first wife, and a daughter:
A. Opu Daing Perani.He was killed by a cannon-ball in Kedah, 1723, having had issue, one son and four daughters:
i. Paduka Sri Daing Kamboja 3rd Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau
B. Opu La Sirajo Daing Menambung, Paduka Sri Pangeran Mas Surya Negara, Panembahan [Raja] of Mampawa, Soth Kalimantan.
C. Opu Daing Marewah, who became H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Ri'ayat Shah, 1st Yang di-Pertuan Muda of Riau.
F. Opu Daing Pali, Raja Tua, who became H.H. Paduka Sri Raja Chelak 2nd YTM of Riau
G. Opu Daing Pamasih Kumasi, Pangeran Mangku Bumi, Sambas.
La Madusalat was the son of Siwari Gading by his wife Siti Malengkae, aka La Madu Saleh, known as Sultan Mahmud of Luwuk, Sulawesi. Siwari Gading, Datu [the ruler] of Luwuk in Sulawesi. Siwari Gading was the first generation of Datu of Luwuk family to embrace Islam.
Tengku Intan’s father Y.D.M Professor Tengku Dato' Dr Jamaluddin bin Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj is the Tengku Orang Kaya Maha Bijaya of Sepang, born on 1st June 1950. He was the former Head of Malaysian Centre for Transport Studies, University of Technology MARA. He received DSIS on 13th December 2003. He married Y.M Tunku To' Puan Nor Mazini binti Raja Kamelludin, born on 25th April 1952, the daughter of Y.M Raja Kameluddin al-Haj of Perak, by his first wife, Y.M Hajjah Tunku Duriah binti Tunku Baharum of Negeri Sembilan.
Through maternal grandfather Raja Kamelluddin
Whilst the maternal grandfather of Tengku Intan, Y.M Raja Kamelludin is the son of Y.A.M Raja Haji Harun al-Rashid, aka Raja Kechil Sulong, ibni al-Marhum Maulana Paduka Sri Sultan Sir Idris Murshid al-Azzam Shah Rahmatullah [the 28th Sultan of Perak,1887-1916] ibni al- Marhum Raja Bendahara Alang Iskandar, by his first wife, Y.A.M. Raja Mahtra, daughter of Al-'Ashik Billah Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan 'Abdullah Muhammad Shah II Habibullah [the 26th Sultan of Perak,1874-1877] ibni al-Marhum Sultan Ja'afar Safiuddin Mu'azzam Shah, [ the 23rd Sultan and Yang di-Pertuan of Perak Darul Ridzwan, 1857-1865 ] of the Siak Dynasty and the preceeding decendents of Sultanate of Malaccan Dynasty through Sultan Mansur Shah I ibni Sultan Muzaffar Shah I of Perak [1528-1577].
Through maternal grandmother Tengku Duriah
The maternal grandmother of Tengku Intan, Y.M Tengku Duriah is the daughter of Tunku Haji Baharum bin Tunku Dalil bin YAM Tunku Muhammad ibni Y.M.M. Paduka Sri Tuanku Nasiruddin ibni al-Marhum Raja 'Ali, Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan [1831-1861] that hails from the Pagarruyung Dynasty.
Tuanku Nasiruddin aka Radin Sunnah, elder son of Y.M.M. Paduka Sri Tuanku Raja 'Ali [Yamtuan Raja Lenggeng Laut], Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan [1808-1824], by his wife, Y.M.M. Tunku Ngah binti al-Marhum Raja Hitam, aka Tuanku Ampuan, daughter of Y.M.M. Paduka Sri Tuanku Raja Hitam, Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan [1795 – 1808], son of Daulat Yang di- Pertuan Malenggang Alam [Yamtuan Raja Nara I] of Minangkabau, Sumatra by his wife, Tuan Gadih Muda.
Paduka Sri Tuanku Raja Hitam was sent by the Raja of Pagarruyung at the invitation of the Minangkabau nobles of Negri Sembilan, installed at Penajis in 1795, married (first) 1795, Y.M.M Tunku Aisha binti al-Marhum Sultan Mahmud Shah, daughter of Y.M.M. Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Mahmud Shah.
Y.M.M Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Mahmud Shah was the Yang di-Pertuan Besar of Negri Sembilan [1773-1795].
Y.M.M Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Mahmud Shah born at Pagarruyung, aka Raja Melawar, son of Raja Masa Bhumi, by his wife, Putri Ratna Duata, youngest daughter of Daulat Yang di-Pertuan Paduka Sri Tuanku Sultan Alif II [Yamtuan Khalif]. Selected as ruler by the Yang di-Pertuan of Pagarruyung and sent at the invitation of the Minangkabau nobles installed on 8th November 1778. Granted the style of Paduka Sri Sultan Mahmud Shah and confirmed in the title of Yang di-Pertuan Besar by Sultan Mahmud III Shah of Johor.
Y.A.M. Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj married Y.M. Raja Habshah binti Raja Muhammad Bai, the eldest daughter of Y.M. Raja Muhammad Bai bin Raja 'Usman, of Riau. He has three sons and four daughters:
1. Y.D.M Associate Professor Tengku Dato' Dr Jamaluddin bin Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj is the Tengku Orang Kaya Maha Bijaya of Sepang, born on 1st June 1950. He was the former Head of Malaysian Centre for Transport Studies, University of Technology MARA. He received DSIS on 13th December 2003. He married Y.M Tunku To' Puan Nor Mazini binti Raja Kamelludin, born on 25th April 1952, the daughter of Y.M Raja Kameluddin al-Haj of Perak, by his first wife, Y.M Hajjah Tunku Duriah binti Tunku Baharum of Negeri Sembilan.
Tengku Dato’ Jamaluddin has a son and twin daughters:
i) Y.M Tengku Azlan Shah bin Tengku Dato' Jamaluddin. Born on 23rd August 1987.
ii) Y.M Tengku Dr Intan Baizura binti Tengku Dato' Jamaluddin. She was born at the Pantai Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, on the 4th August 1978. Obtain her education from Tunku Kurshiah College and University Kebangsaan Malaysia (Doctor of Dental Surgeon 2003), currently doing a three-year programme, Masters of Clinical Dentistry in Dental Surgery at Eastman Dental Institute, University College of London [Sept 2006- Sept 2009]. She was a Dental Officer in the Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, Alor Star Hospital. On 4th August 2006, she married Encik Muhammad Ashraf bin Haji Muhammad Radzi (born in Hospital Kuala Lumpur, 31st January 1978, were educated in Malay College, Kuala Kangsar, and University Tenaga Malaysia (B.Accountancy 2002). He is a Financial Accountant with CUNA Mutual Group (Europe), Dublin and an ACCA finalist.
Muhammad Ashraf is the son of Haji Muhammad Radzi bin Ahmad ( by his wife Che' Gayah binti Haji Ishak of Bugis descent) bin Haji Hussein bin Haji Jusuh bin Haji Salleh of Kedah originated from Pattani, born at Hutan Kandeh, Lepai, Alor Star, Kedah on 2nd April 1951.He recieved SDK on 9th January 2003. The former Deputy Director, Research Division, Prime Minister’s Department, Putrajaya. He is married to Hajjah Shaharani binti Yaakob bin Abdul Rahman, born on 6th September 1951. Muhammad Ashraf has two sisters; Intan Rahayu binti Muhammad Radzi, holds Diploma in Accountancy and BBA (Hons) MMU 2005 and Intan Alia binti Muhammad Radzi, B. of Accounting from MMU.
iii) Y.M Tengku Dr Zetty Maztura binti Tengku Dato' Jamaluddin born at the Pantai Medical Centre, Kuala Lumpur, 4th August 1978. Obtain her education from Tunku Kurshiah College and Sheffield University, UK (MBChB). On 25th December 2003, married Encik Sharil Azrad bin Muhammad 'Ali (born in Ghent, Belgium on 17th November 1976). He was educated in MRSM Taiping and Tokyo University of Science (B.Eng, M. Eng). She has one daughter:
i) Wan Nuha Sumaiyya binti Sharil Azrad born on 5th September 2005 at Chiba, Tokyo.
2) Y.M Tengku Muhammad Amin bin Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj married to Y.M. Tengku Nur Izan binti Tengku Zainal Kharib Shah, the third daughter of his paternal uncle, Y.A.M. Tengku Zainal Kharib Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Alauddin Sulaiman Shah, Tengku Panglima Besar, by his second wife, Y.M. Raja Nur Akmar binti Raja Bahari. He has two daughters:
i) Y.M. Tengku Nurul Afzan binti Tengku Muhammad Amin.
ii) Y.M. Tengku Nurul Aiman binti Tengku Muhammad Amin.
3) Y.M Tengku Shahzan bin Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj married to Y.M. Raja Sarida binti Raja Muhammad Nadzir. He has one son and one daughter:
i) Y.M Tengku Aizuddin bin Tengku Shahzan.
ii) Y.M Tengku Putri Aizul Iliana binti Tengku Shahzan.
4) Y.M Tengku Rahima binti Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj married to Y.M Raja Kamaruddin bin Raja 'Abdu'l Wahid. She has one child.
5) Y.M Tengku Fatima binti Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj married Encik Ramli bin Hamzah. She has three children.
6) Y.M Tengku Forzah binti Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj married Y.M. Raja Muhammad Najib bin Raja Zainal Abidin.
7) Y.M Tengku Sofia binti Tengku Mahmud Shah al-Haj.
1 comment:
congratulations! kindly send my warmest regards to Tintan. She was my one year junior back in TKC. The last time I met her was in 2001, Tokyo.
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