Friday, February 24, 2006

Costello told anti-secularism Muslims to leave Australia.

Australian Treasurer Peter Costello said that Muslims who want to live by Islamic syari’ah law were not welcome in the country, fuelling more anger after Prime Minister John Howard's comments on "extremist" Muslim immigrants.

Ameer Ali, president of the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, said that he agreed with Costello that people who do not want to accept Australian values should not live in the country.

But he said Costello was "ignorant" when he talked about Syari`ah.

"There are already Syari`ah laws in this country because the majority of Australian laws have no contradiction with the Syari`ah laws," Ali said.

"The government is gradually setting the stage to back away from its commitment to multiculturalism and go back to the days of the white Australian policy. That seems to be the ulterior motive behind all these attacks."

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